What We Do
ITJA Project: Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals for The Initiative for Transitional Justice in Africa - A Joint Project of the African Union and the European Union
The Africa Transitional Justice Legacy Fund (ATJLF) is pleased to announce this call to elicit
proposals from civil society organizations, community-based and victim-led groups, working
to advance truth, justice and reconciliation in countries emerging from conflict across Africa.
This call is part of a European Union and African Union joint initiative, the Initiative for
Transitional Justice in Africa (ITJA), a project launched in October 2023 and focused on the
implementation of innovative transitional justice initiatives that are guided by principles and
provisions of the Africa Transitional Justice Policy Framework (AUTJP) and its accompanying
The ITJA aims to support the popularization and implementation of the African Union Transitional Justice Policy by providing technical and financial support to civil society organizations and local groups to implement TJ initiatives that are informed by the AUTJP.
This initiative primarily seeks to empower victims, marginalized groups, and communities affected by conflict to achieve accountability, justice, redress, reconciliation, and sustainable peace. The ATJLF in partnership with the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) and the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) form a consortium of organizations supporting civil society and state actors in the implementation of the AUTJP in transitional justice processes on the continent.
The call for proposals seeks to support initiatives aligned with the following objectives:
- Strengthen the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), victims’ groups, women and youth to meaningfully participate in the design, implementation and monitoring of Transitional Justice processes that are informed by the AUTJP.
- Increase awareness and popularization of the AUTJP among citizens and stakeholders in affected communities.
- Promote agency and active citizen engagement and dialogue on transitional justice through civil society and victim-led initiatives.
- Activate citizen’s participation in domestic transitional justice processes and monitoring of the AUTJP’s implementation.
- To promote accountability through African transitional justice mechanisms while ensuring wide consultations with the various strides of affected societies, in particular with women, youths and victims’ groups.
- To leverage digital innovation and technology to advance inclusive and effective transitional justice processes.
1) The fund prioritizes the following groups: victim centres and survivor groups, local NGOs and community-based organizations (CBOs), women’s groups and youth networks working on Transitional Justice initiatives in areas affected by conflict and violence across Africa.
2) Media and Tech-Based Organizations: This call also targets media and tech groups who can leverage digital innovations to promote the documentation of mass atrocities, accountability, citizen awareness and engagement with transitional justice.
The Fund will focus on specific themes as follows:
1) Victim participation in Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Accountability processes.
2) Women and Youth engagement in transitional justice processes.
3) Projects incorporating African shared values and leveraging on traditional reconciliation/ justice mechanisms.
4) Projects focused on designing and utilizing digital technologies to promote the documentation of mass atrocities, accountability, citizen awareness and engagement with transitional justice.
5) Projects that focus on popularizing the African Union Transitional Justice Policy to various stakeholders (e.g community leaders, traditional leaders, religious leaders, etc in local communities.
Organizations will be eligible if they satisfy the following criteria:
- A Registered civil society organization or community-based group operating in any of the priority African countries in this call;
- Demonstrated experience in transitional justice, human rights, or related fields. · Have ongoing projects/Initiatives addressing specific needs within the scope of the call.
- Must have at least three (3) staff members (including the Founder/Director)
- Must have a functional bank account (corporate) in the country of operation
- Must have a clearly defined operational structure – accounting processes and procedures, management structure, evidence of monthly/quarterly/semi-annual or annual financial accounting
- Must be known or embedded in communities that have experienced atrocities or human rights violations and have strong connections and networks with victims, survivors and the community in which they operate.
- Must already be working on human rights and transitional justice issues in the identified communities in the countries of focus
- This call targets CSOs and CBOs working in areas affected by conflict and violence across the continent but priority will be given to CSOs and CBOs working in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, The Gambia, South Sudan, Niger, Lesotho and Zimbabwe. CBOS and CSOs from these countries are strongly encouraged to apply.
The Africa Transitional Justice Legacy Fund (ATJLF) is a not-for-profit organization with the aim of rebuilding local communities and promoting survivor agency in societies emerging from conflict in Africa. The Fund, established in 2019 in Accra, Ghana supports community-based and survivor-led transitional justice initiatives in Cote D’Ivoire, The Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, North-eastern Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. We support small organisations and groups to deliver locally led, transformative and impactful interventions in transitional justice processes in Africa, starting with West Africa. The ATJLF’s key focus is on sub-granting and capacity building of its grantees. Since its establishment, the organisation has made seventy-one (71) grants to forty-six (46) different organisations and institutions of varying sizes across Africa. This is in addition to the strategic grant support provided to the African Union, a key institutional partner to the Fund.
How to Apply
Interested organizations should submit a detailed proposal aligning with the outlined focus areas by completing the attached application form and budget. Ensure that the form is thoroughly completed detailing institutional background, project overview, objectives, methodology, activities, expected outcomes, and a clear sustainability plan etc.
Application Deadline: The deadline for the submission of complete proposals is 18th February, 2024. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
Information Session: The ATJLF will organise an online information session on Tuesday, 23rd January 2024 at 13h00 (GMT) for Anglophone countries. For Francophone countries, the information session will hold on Friday 26th January at 13h00 (GMT). The session will provide potential applicants with a comprehensive understanding of the grant application process and project expectations. This will also be an opportunity for intending applicants to ask questions. Register to join us by clicking this link.
Notification of successful applicants: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and successful applicants will be notified once the review is complete. Applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to submit their applications ahead of the deadline.
Reporting Requirements: Successful applicants will be required to submit both financial and narrative (programs) reports on a quarterly basis. These reports must detail financial spendings with supporting documents as well as detail activities implemented in the period under review. The narrative report must also include a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation component highlighting how set out objectives have been achieved.
Project implementation period: Starting in April 2024, the project implementation period will be between 8-10 months dependent on project scope.
Submission Details: Submit proposals electronically to ITJA-grants@atjlf.org. The subject line should read “ATJLF – ITJA Sub-Grant Proposal”.
Type of Grant: a maximum award of Fifty Thousand Euros €50,000 per grantee for qualifying CSOs/CBOs from the aforementioned countries. The exact amount of the award will be determined by the nature/scope of the proposed interventions.
Assistance and Inquiries – For further information or inquiries, please contact (jugwu@atjlf.org or maddo@atjlf.org].
A Project of

Consortium Partners