for Transitional Justice in Africa

Transformative Transitional Justice Initiatives

& Strategic Partnerships

Transitional Justice in Africa
A pioneer in supporting community-led, transformative initiatives to address legacies of conflicts and human rights violations, the Africa Transitional Justice Legacy Fund has entered its three-year Legacy Phase (2024 – 2026). This phase will culminate in ATJLF’s definitive sunset as an entity in December 2026. Click below to learn more about our Legacy Phase.
We've funded
worth of projects in West Africa
Regional Bodies
Funded Organizations
Funds Disbursed
“The ATJLF intervention is restoring at least 70 critically traumatized survivors of violence who deteriorated into full insanity due to the violence in Nigeria's Northeast. Most of them have regained their sanity and are bouncing back to normalcy”.
Grace SamuelKishimi Shelter and Care Foundation, Nigeria 
“Many beneficiaries, especially communities that we enabled to carry out traditional burial rites for family members lost in the war, have been very appreciative of our project. We have also received positive feedback from our student beneficiaries. There is a growing national awareness and appreciation of our work.”
Centre for Memory and Reparations, Sierra Leone 
“ATJLF’s funding enabled R2JTIM to support 250 young victims to make statements at Mali's Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission. More than 50% of beneficiaries were women and girls. We also supported victim groups from Toya and Goundam to form an association to defend their interests together.”
Mr. Fodé BARRYExecutive President, R2JTIM, Mali