ATJLF in Mali
Spotlight Projects
AFVVRNM worked with female internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Bamako and Mopti, to develop a better ownership and understanding of the transitional justice process in Mali. The project enabled female IDPs better understand the government’s reparation policy; and it supported the CVJR to address the problem of lack of knowledge among survivors and victims, particularly female IDPs.
Tribune Jeunes pour le Droit au Mali (TRIJEUD-MALI)’s project enabled survivors of the conflicts to document their experiences, access justice and advocate for reparations. Using both Mobile Legal Clinic and Stationary Legal Clinic, the project identified victims and survivors in remote communities in Bamako, Gao and Mopti, sensitized, informed and supported them to access the regional branches of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (CVJR) to give testimony.

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