Sierra Leone
ATJLF in Sierra Leone
Long after the 1991 civil war in Sierra Leone ended in 2002, the road to justice for survivors continues to remain distant. This is despite the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which was published in 2004. This Report which contained several recommendations for the Government of Sierra Leone is yet to be implemented. Specifically, the Government has failed to implement recommendations for memorialization and reparations This failure continues to have far-reaching effects on victims and survivors of the war. ATJLF’s partners in Sierra Leone implement projects to galvanize action for the implementation of the Truth Commission’s Report.
Spotlight Projects
The project ‘Mek wi kam togeda’ focused on supporting community initiatives on transitional Justice, promoting accountability, and enhancing social cohesion through alternative dispute mechanisms in Sierra Leone. The project also featured capacity building for local community leaders on Alternative Dispute Resolution and social cohesion.
The ‘Di Wa Don Don’ project supported memorialization efforts through the protection of mass graves and the offering of community members the opportunity to perform burial rites for their loved ones. Documentary screenings about the Civil War were held in community schools and a Civil War history and mass grave photobook written and launched. All these in addition to the Memba Podcasts which was recorded in partnership with radio stations helped to raise awareness about the war while promoting memorialization.